About Austria

Austria is located in the spectacular Alps of central Europe with a population of 8.7 million. It is one of the founders of OECD and has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world (47,188$). It is the 12th richest country in the world in terms of GDP per capita. Austria became a member of the EU on 1 January 1995. Other than its strong industry sector, tourism is an important source of income for Austria. In 2007, it had world’s 9th highest international tourism receipts.

More than 21 million international tourists visit Austria annually. Austrians enjoy a very high standard of living. Its capital Vienna is ranked as the most livable city in the world in several consecutive years by various international surveys. It is also the location of the head quarters of United Nations and OPEC. The UN-Habitat termed it as the most prosperous city in the world in 2012/2013. It held 1st rank in the Innovation Cities Index.

Although German is the mother tongue of the majority, Austria is a truly multi cultural country with significant population speaking various languages of the world. Austria which was home to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart has a rich cultural heritage. Arnold Schwarzenegger was born and Beethoven spent most of his life in this great country.It is also the home of the management guru Peter Drucker and the world renowned psycho-analyst Sigmund Freud.

Studying in Austria

Due to its rich cultural past and present, Austria is cherished by people worldwide. The varied landscape is of great importance to tourism. There are many ski resorts and in the summer there are a multitude of opportunities for hiking and climbing or for water sports on the numerous lakes.

Other factors for deciding on a stay in Austria include the great social security, the economic stability and the great hospitality of the Austrians. The Austrian educational system offers a broad spectrum of educational opportunities.

Why Austria is an ideal place for studying and living?

Students Visa Requirements

Documents required to apply for your student residence permit in Austria (Aufenthaltsbewilligung Studierende)

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